Independent real estate and financial sector development specialist with sector focus on housing, mortgage, and related insurance and capital markets (e.g. covered bonds).
Work programs in ca 50 countries globally for businesses / financial institutions, governments/agencies and development financial institutions.
30 years of policy/sector development consulting in urban, housing, mortgage primary, insurance and capital markets sector strategy, policy design (legal-regulatory, tax-subsidies), institutional design, financial/risk analysis, and market analysis.
20 years of business consulting in housing and mortgage finance in strategy development, institutional development, product design, investment reconnaissance, risk management (esp. mortgage ALM) and legal-regulatory issues.
10 years in bank crisis management analysis, bank resolution policy formulation and bank debt capital market development since the beginning of the global financial crisis.
30 years of statistical and econometric analysis with disaggregate financial and housing sector datasets, including development of first nationwide German hedonic house price index.
University teaching experience.