Recent Projects

– Public housing finance program assessment, review of operating and financial model of Fondo Mivivienda (refinancing / guarantee / subsidy delivery agency). Proposal for redesign of the guarantee program for low-income housing and construction finance based on Latin American and global best practice. World Bank. 2024.

– Development of a state housing plan and a housing investment plan for Croatia. Support for drafting the national housing strategy, analyze current social and affordable housing gap and funding requirements, draft concept for a national social and affordable (rental) housing (finance) system, identify pilot projects for social and affordable rental housing, undertake dialogue with stakeholders. Council of Europe Development Bank (with Price Waterhouse Slovenia). 2024.

Strategy consulting for the business segment real estate and urban development. Review and propose redesign of programs financing public and private rental housing, homeownership, green housing. Investment Bank Berlin / Germany (with Roland Berger Consulting). 2024.

– Pre-feasibility assessment of housing and construction finance guaranty schemes and guaranty fund for the Programa Nacional de Vivienda Familia Feliz in the Dominican Republic. Proposal for low-income housing refinancing strategy (blended finance) directed at replacing the current minimum reserve release financing model. World Bank. 2023.

– Technical advisory services on redesign of the 1,000 Plus Program in Montenegro due to increased interest rates. Mortgage product / program financial analysis and investment plan for homeownership in affordable housing (with a social housing component). Council of Europe Development Bank. 2023.

– Co-authorship of the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for the National Affordable Housing Program Indonesia. The NAHP had financed the introduction of a new subsidy instrument for homeownership finance (BP2BT) and the expansion of a large low-income housing home improvement program (BSPS). Socioeconomic beneficiary, bank lending and financial evaluation of mass housing loan / subsidy program. World Bank. 2023.

– Proposal for a combined loan-subsidy program targeting a wide range of home improvements from structural via extensions to modernizations and repairs (Cambia Mi Casa) for Colombia. Demand, investment typology, bank lending evaluation, loan and guarantee product design, pilot program design. World Bank. Global Program for Resilient Housing. 2023.

– Team co-ordinator and synthesis report author for World Bank Global Program on Resilient Housing analyzing home improvement financing in Latin America. The work program reviewed housing microfinance, fintech, bank, financial co-operative, contractual savings institution and building material vendor lending and proposed separate investment strategies for World Bank and IFC. Focus countries were Colombia, Chile and Argentina. Global Program for Resilient Housing. 2022.

– Team leader for a global study on Rent-to-own (RtO) schemes. Identification and evaluation of best practice businesses (globally, e.g. Divvy / U.S.). Investment reconnaissance (emerging markets), including detail studies on potential RtO investments in three emerging markets (Latin America, Africa, Asia) with housing, mortgage, legal-regulatory and co-investor analysis. Global investment framework evaluation for 3 of the 6 RtO product classes identified in the best practice review. With Roland Berger Consulting for the International Finance Corporation (FIG). 2021/22.

– Study on low-income (rental) housing finance investment opportunities in the context of InvestEU, a guarantee program set up by the European Commission. The study reviewed investment conditions in all EU Member States (except Austria), the developing local and cross-border equity and debt co-investor scenery, and for 10 countries identified specific equity and debt investment opportunities in affordable and social housing. Specific proposals were evaluated for two EU Member States. For Council of Europe Development Bank. 2020/21.

My partner in this study was the late Allan Saunderson, housing / housing finance journalist and Editor of Housing Investor Europe. Allan had unparalleled social networking skills with decision makers which he combined with a sharp analytical mind that made sense of the 2X national sector contexts and myriad of public, private and PPP transactions that characterize European social and affordable housing. He is sorely missed.

Restructuring of the government housing program of Saudi-Arabia. Evaluation of the public subsidy / lending / guarantee portfolio in mortgage and construction finance, international best practice review, target group analysis, new subsidy / lending / guarantee product design, fiscal impact modelling. With Boston Consulting Group for Ministry of Housing Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia. 2020.

– Team leader for social and affordable housing program development in Lithuania. Housing sector review, detailed evaluation of the government housing program menu, review of the government housing strategy, evaluation of feasible investment proposals. Moderation of an intergovernmental working party. With Agriculture and Finance Consultants (AFC) for Council of Europe Development Bank. 2019/20.